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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Words Are Important.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why you may not be seeing the physical manifestation of what God has revealed to you in your spirit? I submit that one of the reasons is because of the words that you speak over your own life or life’s situation.

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

Whatever you have been praying for must be spoken out loudly into the earth realm in order for the whole earth to know that you have enough faith to believe that God will honor that which God has spoken to you in the spirit realm.

For example, if you have children who are not progressing well in school, when was the last time you begin to pray “out loud” to God that they will be honor-roll students? When was the last time you stood directly in front of the child and declared and decreed that they are not a failure, that they have success in and all over them?

Perhaps you have been struggling with a crushing load of debt. Have you spoken out loud into the earth realm that your debts will be paid in full? Have you declared that God will meet every need that has to be met and for God to move you from beyond just enough to more than enough?

Words are important. In words the power of life exists. In words the power of death exists.

Three things will happen when you begin to speak life into whatever you are trusting God for.

One; when you speak life into your situation, God’s angels begins to stand at attention and is prepared for deployment to administer aid wherever aid is needed. God’s angels do not always manifest just in the spirit realm, but can manifest through people as well. You never know where the very blessing may come from that you are seeking when you begin to speak life into your situation.

God’s angels serve primarily one purpose, their purpose is to execute the commands of God. How do you communicate to God that you desire for God to get things moving in your life? You communicate through your words.
Jesus said that “whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 18:18

Second; Satan becomes terrorized when you begin to speak life into your situation. Satan becomes terrorized because your words have the power to begin dismantling all of the evil powers that Satan has to offer. Satan knows that you are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. Hence, Satan already knows that he is defeated and that if you begin to speak up and speak out loudly he will not be able to withstand the increased faith that flows through you.

Your speaking life into your situation also slams shut the gates of death that Satan is attempting to push you towards.

Three; when you speak life into your situation God begins to heal you day by day. In Luke 17:11-19 a group of lepers approach Jesus and “speak out in a loud voice” to be healed. Notice “speak out, loud voice” and Jesus healed them of their disease. Also notice that they were not healed on the spot, but as they begin to walk to the priests to show themselves. As they were walking, the lepers were totally cleansed.
Speaking life out loudly is not a one-time event. Speaking life out loudly is a lifestyle that should be practiced daily.
Words are important.

Start today and begin to speak life through your words out verbally into the earth realm that will notify the spirit realm that you are prepared to terrorize Satan’s realm that you will be victorious and empowered.


“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

-Be Empowered
Rev. Carlton Worthen, M.Div.

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